Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Stigma Mental Health Part 2

Psychiatry: No Science No Cures

Joshua's Story

Just think of the monies the drug companies made on the children of this country.

Kyle's Story

Andrew's Story

Tristen's Story

my grandson was on 40 mlg. of aderal and 20 mlg. of sleeping pills because he wanted to come home. He was 6 yrs. old when he was removed due to his aunt 14 yrs. old was accused of stealing a ring from the Sandwich High sch. on Cape Cod, Ma. along with other girls who got to go home that first day we all went to court. We had to sit for 7 hrs. before going into the court room for the first time without an Atty.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Global Mind-Control and the New World Order

This is the reason the government honey combs itself with department designed to with hold infomation from other depts. Government departments all work towards goal of the world government's evil.

Sex Slavery in the White House? Call-In Show (6-14-06) pt 2

Throughout the Government is the evil of slavery of others.

Frank Craven Intro to Pedophilia Week

Now I know why the DSS recamended the Barnstable Judge Scandora give custody of my then 14 yr. old to a non relative felon of 34 yrs. who lives off Cape. They now try to cover up what they allowed to happen by not using common sense and abuse of discretion, by holding us hostage to a stolen ring from the high sch. that happened a yr. after daughter escaped from this man's house that kidnapped her by following her sch. bus coersing her into this car Nov. 2002. Stolen ring many girls accused in same case of who did it 2004 April. Only my daugher and grandson taken entering court room after sitting for 7 hrs. while all others had gone home. Without representation my children taken withing 10 mins. of entering the court room. May I add one of the girls had an extensive record with the town police sch. dept. and the social services. Only my child and 6 yr. old grandson who lived in fear he too would be given to the felon who had his aunt and would be able to come and get him too. This man left horror messages for me yelling some in part grandson who heard from other room till I shut off not expecting another call from this man who to this day is refered to as foster parent by the social services. Though I told them of this man and how daughter got home by promising not to tell the police could she then call me for the first time in months to come and get her. Not to mention the call I still have of her wishpering for me to go get her at 2:00a or else she would hate me forever. I did not hear that call until late the next day. I had already got daughter from this felon's house who's record states b/e a/b drug convictions. Judge Scandora told me he was able to and is excusing his record in this case. They did not call one relivtive or did I ever have councel throughout the 4 mos. a pedophile given my daughter's custody in the Barnstable county Probate Court by Judge Scandora and Judge Virgina Ward during 72 hr. emerg. hearing which I recorded her adivsing the felon to calm down or she would not let him take this girl. The age of concent dropped during this time to 16 yrs. old my daughter turning 15 in 6 wks. at this time. They had full intentions of continuing this case as they kept refering to monies and how I recieved funds to live. Though it comes to me through having sm. cell lung cancer from living next to and on one of the chemical plumes from Otis Air Force Base which as the Government workers like police and judges as they dont work for us we the people the military has immunity also. hence the attitude of "what are you going to do about it?" Right just what am I going to do about it?

Teenage affluenza is spreading fast. Can we do something?

Standards we must live by to keep the social services at bay are different standards for areas. The DSS has it's regulations for such areas by the state. Are you withing the standards for your area in which you live? Try thinking one world order. Do you think many others will be brought up to your living standards? Or will yours be lowered closer to the many other North Americans?

Webster Tarpley on 9/11 Truth and Pedophilia

These things no longer are in isolated areas no where next to where you might live.

Alec Baldwin Answering Machine Rant to His Daughter

this would be the different standards the DSS write but does not make public. the yes no and this is different$.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Lost Children group home demographics

creates the experiences these kids have gone through while their parents go through experiences caused by thier government wanting more and more for less and less?
would stand to gain by the effects of such experiences?

I lost my kids to foster care... Please Rate and Comment.

Families are the founding factor of this country, the corner stone.

DCF abuse of children in foster care and cover up

One of the many cases of the covering up by DSS as it is a business using children for next yrs. federal funding by projections calculated by numbers taken the previous yr.
This system propagates people of a single mind set from the top all the way to the bottom. Becoming a feeding chain loosing the perspective of truth first.
This of course would lower the numbers considerably and cost the state more by not getting the security of previous returns.
I see, the truth does not pay.

Drugging Children

The Socail Services has to have a label for children by psychologist to get the drugs that bring in incentives monies for the professionals involved across the board.
They are using families to do non controled experiments with drugs.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Why are these children dying?

All over the world this is taking place. You might ask yourself why? It is your money which the state is able to do this rewiring our children's brain while still maelabe to have them think they were removed for reason. Make them think they were abused while the states drug them for profit and propergation of such agency's. Will they make for good leaders as adults? Or will they have life long problem leading to another money maker for the fed/state governments, penal/mental health systems?

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Dr. Nick Begich on behavior modification Part 1 of 3

What tactics dont we use in what area would the state/government not use such tactics when it has a set agenda?
What experiments does drugs on state children pose? Who gets the infomation from the children being drugged? Why is this infomation not made public?

THE CORPORATION [11/23] Basic Training

Manipulating children is easy for this government who uses same tactics while giving money for services they don't deliver. The only thing such agencies deliver is monies back to the Government that it subsidized. Good business practice to gain control of population using children to mind control for government and coporations while greater financial power gained over the country. One of the many ways this country being taken from the people.

THE CORPORATION [10/23] Boundry Issues

The taking of our natural product including our children starting with the removal of rights of the parents. Corporations are considered to have rights over and above a person and his rights being corporation considered "by law" to be a person also. What is a corporation and what is not subsidized by government? Subsidezed maning owning part of or having invested interest?

Dark Ages America - The Final Phase of Empire - 2 of 6

Exposing the New World Order

To the children of DSS rise up for freedom.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Why do states/courts promote divorce and rip children apart?

drugging children for profits lost his som this yr. to cancer. something the states know of but support the drug co. for payouts.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA

this is used in all government agencies.