Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Juvenile Brain

this is the money maker for the social services. the knowledge of the brain not being developed till the age of 25. the knowledge of the frontal vortex not developed causing the child to act out in irrashional behavior. this also legally though knowing the brain not developed gives rise to medication adding to the federal monies taken from the federal government to the state agencies. this alone should be illegal as they make for future drug addicts and criminals. however it has been going on for decades and will continue to go on until families get together minus the discrimination sent out through propaganda of such families. which is why many loose friends and family through social service involvment, either through fear of theirselves or fear of being judged as others have learned to do through the propaganda sent out by the government to gain complete control.

though this is the people's monies and the people's country still there is no out cry for the wasted monies or future wasted monies as the fear of this government goes deep. FEAR, this is what controls us, many fear the government even if they follow the laws as they know they could not afford to fight the government or loose all they worked for in doing so.

for this fear and tactics used by this government agency many loose their children family homes and friends who are not willing to risk what they have through association. think the government does not know this? they are very aware and to who speak of the facts to worker of such agency the reply is with tongue and cheak attitude knowing there is nothing you or most Atty. could do anything about as they are the state/government! they have more backing their abuse of discretion then a innocent family does to expose this or any other gov. agency for abuse of discresion. they are making monies while your being driven into debtor's court. that seems to be funny to them, this agency seems to drive a mean streak through most of the workers who have been there for yrs. one could say experienced/professional.

my family once consisted of daughter age 35 yrs. another age 14 grandson age 4 yrs., I lived with 14 yr. old daughter and grandson who I had custody of until I called the town of sandwich police dept. as my daughter tried to get phsyical with me within a wk. of moving for the first time in 8 yrs.. though the instructions the social workers recieved while in training consist of this very example being normal stress conditions for families. one of those conditions is moving and not for the first time in many yrs. just moving. I know this from taking the course myself yrs. ago to get to work faster than continuing for my associates degree. this was not considered in my case, what was considered was the house we just moved into and the power officer Spofford who constantly ignored my grandson trying to speak to him as he was the second officer McBride being the fist on the scene. officer Mcbride stationed at the Sandwich High sch. every day left his wife and three children for a newly graduated girl. this did not efffect his standing in the dept. or the community.

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